Welcome to Cut to the Cooking! I am happy to introduce my food-blog, which I like to think is a combination food-inspiration, detailing recipes I’ve modified to make my own, and a personal cookbook containing some of my own creations. I’ve read many cooking blogs, always searching through all the stories and fluff to find the actual recipes – but not here! My goal is to cut to the chase (or cooking!) and get right to the food.

Now that you know what to expect, here is a little bit more about myself. My name is Emily and I live in the in the Philadelphia area (Delco born and raised!) with my husband Rich, who is my sous-vide and pasta making expert (& glorified taste-tester), and our infant son Richie. I am a Penn State alumnus (WE ARE!) and work as an Occupational Therapist by day (and Foodie by night). I love red wine, pasta, and everything saucy and cheesy. I grew up cooking with my mom (and am still learning from her to this day) and now that I have a kitchen of my own, I am trying to expand my repertoire and experiment with new flavors and cooking techniques. I am so excited to share my journey with you here and would love to hear your suggestions as well – as I said, I am still learning! Bon Appetite!